Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Brief Tour in Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara is a city in the United States. The city is located exactly between the lush hills and sandy beaches. Most tourists come here for sunbathing. The beaches in this city has become a major attraction of the city of Santa Barbara.

Geographically the city of Santa Barbara is located in the western part, precisely in the state of California. In addition to its beautiful beaches, buildings with Spanish-style architecture, and historic Mission Church of Santa Barbara also worth a visit.

If interested you foot step in the city center, here you can see some historic sites such as Santa Barbara County Courthouse, El Presidio de Santa Barbara, and the theater of Granada, Lobero and Arlington.

Not only that, if you pass the Old Mission Santa Barbara at the top of State Street, you will find the cemetery, church, and a Spanish-style museum complete with a vast landscape of vineyards. More than 200 years, this place was founded by the Spanish Franciscans.

With the weather is always sunny throughout the year, the city of Santa Barbara is the most fun place to surf.

Rincon beach that has waves that ideal, this is where you can surf with satisfaction. Once satisfied try scuba diving or kayaking boating around the Channel Islands, or go hiking up the Santa Ynez Mountains.

As an end in sight-seeing in town, stop by the Paseo Nuevo shopping for luxury items and sample local produce at the farmers market Santa Barbara.

1 komentar:

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    Santa Barbara Tours
