Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

Luke Wright (Jason Statham) is hopeless. The whole family were massacred by the Russian mafia that ruled New York. Luke is really hopeless, until he met a 12-year-old boy who makes his life a purpose anymore.

Once when Luke meets April (Catherine Chan), a little boy who wanted by many people. Russian mafia wanted this little girl, as well as the Triad. To make matters worse, there are police intervention in the affairs of this dirty. Although I can not explain with certainty but watch Luke moved to protect the helpless May.

May was not just any girl. May be able to remember the sequence of numbers in large quantities. Not only that, Mei also able to see this pattern in a sequence of numbers, something that most people can not be done. May holds the code that is now targeted by many parties and they will do anything to get in May

If you've read the synopsis of this movie before, you definitely know that this movie has in common with the film, starring Bruce Willispada in 1998, titled Mercury Rising. Both have in common is the story of the hero who protects the child genius who has the capability of the hands of evil men. Over time, the connection between the two become closer, so they have a tangle of emotions like a father and son. Exactly the same. But even something like the story, does not mean the film is presented in the same way.

Safe, unexpectedly, very good visuals in the game, whether or sinematografinya editing techniques. The plot is also displayed unexpected and character introductions go smoothly with the passing of the story. This movie does not need to provide a special time to tell who the main character figure. The audience will find this film as berjaannya. Story twists complicated because it involves four parties who have different interests were well regulated by the director Boaz sure. Action scene has a portion that fits and not excessive indulgence in the shot. In fact, there are some scenes are smart and have not been used in movies other action.

Arguably, the Safe is the old products are wrapped in a fresh new package. Safe is good stuff. Happy watching!

Director: Boaz Sure, Author: Boaz Sure, Cast: Jason Statham, Catherine Chan, Chris Sarandon.

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